There can be many concerns
There can be many concerns that can arise due to smoking while you are pregnancy. These include miscarriages, premature delivery, underweight baby, and stillbirth, defects in the heart, lungs and other respiratory problems, to name a few. If you want to save your baby from all these risks and health concerns, then make sure that you stop NOW! Effects of Smoking on the Unborn Baby Do you know that the smoke you inhale contains more than 4000 chemicals that can prove to be disastrous for the health of the baby growing inside you! Cigarette smoke contains substances like nicotine, lead, cyanide, and other elements that can actually lead to some fatal health issues including cancer! Imagine, your habit is exposing your baby to the risk of living an unhealthy life, even before its birth! When you inhale the smoke, it enters your bloodstream, which also happens to be the source of nutrition for the baby. The harmful substances can hamper the overall development of the baby in terms of the size, weight, organ development, brain development and so on.
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